I never really liked New Years much. Not quite sure why other than the fact it just never did anything for me other then bless me with a hangover for a better part of almost twenty years. Granted, I don't mind a good party with my friends, family and so on but as for what a "new year" means, I could care less. Granted I'm a little on the glass half empty side of this rant but c'mon, you're reading it anyways fucker, so at least pretend I might just have a little relevance in knowing that my opinion might be worth sharing.
Maybe it was cause of where I grew up. I remember many a new years day being extremely fucking cold; well past the zero mark down into the negative double digits. And see it's not the blatant cold that was such a bothersome as it was the blinding fucking sun. If it was grey and cloudy I felt more at ease. Though there would be times when the night prior (New Years Eve) it would be a comfy 25 - 30 degrees with a light or heavy snowfall. Then, come morning the skies were clear. Not a cloud in the sky and it dropped 20 - 30 and even sometimes 40 degrees and the sun would just be blasting off the snow like a fucking mirror. Ugh, walking outside sometimes was just pure pain on the eyes as well as the sinuses etc.
Just something about the way the sun hit on such an angle in Chicago during winter; drove me up the fucking wall. Made my skin itch and gave me a touch of nasty irritability.
Now I know there are many people out there who suffer from some kind of seasonal disorder. They wanna jump off a bridge if they don't see the sun for three days or whatever. Maybe it was reverse for me or whatever. Yet, I don't think so. It was deeper than that. Christmas was over so all the holiday hoopla went out just as quick with the holiday trash. Now what? Great, fucking school starts up in a few days. Blahhh!
I guess I just never understood the hype of hope for a new year. It was all the same except I keep getting older. I guess, in a small way, I always thought the holidays were a fraud; in every aspect. I don't need to be reminded to love or share, be kind, do a good deed, help an old lady across the street, work in a soup kitchen, etc. These are things that, if we choose, should be done at any given time of the year at our own accord. Fuck these Best Buy assholes or Jared Jeweler fucks to tell me or anyone that my love or friendship will be forever solidified in their shitty products if I invest in them for this specific date.
I mean, why the fuck isn't the Red Cross out annoying the shit out of us with those bells 365? How come no one gives away turkeys or any kind of meal year round. Granted I know there are charities out there who do try to provide year round. It's the constant hammering fucking guilt all these pricks try to invoke that gets me.
Do it cause it feels right. Nowhere does it state that being giving, caring, loving, charitable or whatever comes with a window stamped time frame. Bullshit.
One thing that does amuse me about the holidays is how the end of days conspiracies flare up. Who is right and who is wrong is for another rant and or debate if you will. I'll take what anyone has to offer. I am open to all opinions on the subject. Be it Aliens, 2012, The second coming of Christ. Bring it. I never get tired of hearing whatever it is anyone wants to dish up.
I will say though that I believe in my lifetime I will see the massive event(s) unfold, be it whatever. Something I've always known even as a small child. I could go into much further detail about my own personal opinions but I also like to keep my....faith if you will, as well as ideas to myself on the matter.
I will say this though. As another year passes and we draw closer to the (supposed) impending 2012, I find interesting the recent(as I've witnessed anyways) hype in the more growing acceptance that we are living descendants of an Alien race. Hmm, maybe. All these questions on how these ancient civilization's built these beautiful cities and pyramids. That, it has to be what many believe, to be blueprints from the gods above or that they even helped, etc.
Yet what if it was just cause that's all they new. An entire race devoted to a particular faith or idea. Thousands upon thousands working together to create something(as they saw it) worthy. These people lived off the land and imagination. More likely than not fueled by religion of some sort I guess. Regardless. They did it. They didn't have the distractions that we do today and it has been many, many years since anyone can really remember a time when we didn't. What if it was just mind over matter. Simply the fact that those were times when, even if not everyone was on board, they still produced. There was an origin to trace back.
Maybe the Aliens did build the pyramids or, maybe it was just some really good, hardworking - crazy ancient folks who just knew what the fuck they were doing. When you've got an army to build from or, on an idea, anything is possible. Hitler did it and so did a few others.
Anyways, New Years is just another year marked by a calendar of sorts. It really has no meaning to me other than a night of glorious drinking, if I choose. What I do for myself or mankind could be measured in a day or a lifetime. It just is what it is and nothing more.