Friday, June 10, 2016

No sleep = posting random thoughts while sewer dwelling

     Don't cook bacon naked.

     Elon Musk is the Anti-christ.

     Yes Idiot, the world is flat.

     Everything causes Cancer
     You CAN control your dreams when you're sleeping

     56% of the worlds population is afraid of needles, and that's why most of us aren't junkies.

     Los Angeles sucks

     Sparkling water is just like pop, but without the brown and cancer

     Who the fuck has ever gotten sick from eating raw cookie dough?

     Tea Tree oil is minty gasoline.

     Farts are but whispers of the soul

     I had a paste addiction

    The very first Time Travelers failed; Kardashians are still alive.

    I don't always use a period

    Women were born not completely hole

    Vomit will eat away a brick but corn is impervious???

    I almost crashed when playing double bass with my gas & break pedal

    Who is in control of the great turd collector?